##1. Introduction
###1.1. Background
I assume that you have already read (this is a compulsory reading):
You may find the following introductory posts interesting as they present smaller chunks of this tutorial:
- Symfony/BDD example 01: Hello, world!
- Symfony/BDD example 02: red, green, blue
- Symfony/BDD example 03: mountains
- Symfony/BDD example 04: login/logout
- Symfony/BDD example 05: CRUD
- Symfony/BDD example 06: error 404
###1.2. The specification of the application
- The application to store rivers in the database.
- Every river has two attributes: name and length.
- Homepage should present an HTML table containing all the rivers from the database.
- Fixtures
- load fixtures from YML file
- show all the records from DB as an HTML table on homepage
- Access
- Everyone can access the list of all the rivers in read mode.
- Admin can access the list of all rivers in read/write mode through CRUD administration panel.
- Login/logout
- login ,logged as X, logout - links/texts on homepage
- homepage, panel admin - links on homepage
- registration, resetting and profile - unvavailable
- The admin panel: CRUD
- /admin/river/ - the administration panel available to logged in users
- Customized 404, 500 errors
- One user account available by default
- username: admin
- password: loremipsum
##2. Introductory step
###2.1. Start the project
Create a new directory and clone my Symfony Standard repository:
# Host OS
$ mkdir symfony-bdd-app-01-rivers
$ cd symfony-bdd-app-01-rivers
$ git clone git@github.com:by-examples/symfony-standard.git .
###2.2. Create a starting point for the project
Create a new orphan branch that starts at the tag Symfony Standard v2.6.1:
# Host OS
$ git checkout --orphan 2.6.1/symfony-bdd-app-01-rivers v2.6.1
Commit your change:
# Host OS
$ git add -A
$ git commit -m "Symfony Standard 2.6.1"
###2.3. Customize the project
Introduce the following changes in your project:
# Host OS
$ git cherry-pick origin/2.6.1/Gitignore
$ git cherry-pick origin/2.6.1/Cleanup
$ git cherry-pick origin/2.6.1/Vagrant
$ git cherry-pick origin/2.6.1/Speedup
$ git cherry-pick origin/2.6.1/Behat
$ git cherry-pick origin/2.6.1/BehatInitialization
$ git cherry-pick origin/2.6.1/Db
$ git cherry-pick origin/2.6.1/DoctrineFixturesBundle
$ git cherry-pick origin/2.6.1/FOSUserBundle
$ git cherry-pick origin/2.6.1/Error404
$ git cherry-pick origin/2.6.1/Travis
$ git cherry-pick origin/2.6.1/Scripts
###2.4. Install the dependencies
Boot the VM with:
# Host OS
$ vagrant up
$ vagrant ssh
and run:
# Guest OS
$ composer install -o
When this is done, commit you changes with:
# Host OS
$ git add -A
$ git commit -m "Updated dependencies"
##3. Run Behat - project is GREEN
Now, try to run:
# Guest OS
$ bin/behat
You will get the output similar to:
No scenarios
No steps
0m0.03s (9.00Mb)
The project is GREEN.
##4. Homepage
###4.1. The feature file
Filename: homepage.feature
Feature: I would like to...
Scenario: Homepage should be accessible
Given I am on homepage
Then I should see "The Longest Rivers in the World!"
###4.2. Behat - RED
Run Behat:
# Guest OS
$ php app/console cache:clear --env=prod
$ bin/behat
The project is RED.
###4.3. The commit - RED
Commit you changes with:
# Host OS
$ git add -A
$ git commit -m "[RED] Homepage: test"
###4.4. The code
Filename: app/Resources/views/base.html.twig
<h1>The Longest Rivers in the World!</h1>
{% block body %}{% endblock %}
###4.5. Behat - GREEN
Run Behat:
# Guest OS
$ php app/console cache:clear --env=prod
$ bin/behat
The project is GREEN.
###4.6. The commit - GREEN
Commit you changes with:
# Host OS
$ git add -A
$ git commit -m "[GREEN] Homepage: code"
###5. Error pages
###5.1. The feature file
Filename: features/error.feature
Feature: I would like to see customized error pages
Scenario: The Page was not found!
Given I am on "some/page/that/does/not/exist"
Then the response status code should be 404
And I should see "Hey, this beautiful page is yet to be created!"
Scenario: Serious problem in the application
Given I am on "/action/with/exception"
Then the response status code should be 500
And I should see "We are very sorry, but there was a serious error in the application!"
###5.2. Behat - RED
Run Behat:
# Guest OS
$ php app/console cache:clear --env=prod
$ bin/behat
The project is RED.
###5.3. The commit - RED
Commit you changes with:
# Host OS
$ git add -A
$ git commit -m "[RED] Error pages: test"
###5.4. The code
Filename: app/Resources/TwigBundle/views/Exception/error404.html.twig
{% block body %}
<h2>The page does not exists!</h2>
Hey, this beautiful page is yet to be created!
{% endblock body %}
Filename: app/Resources/TwigBundle/views/Exception/error500.html.twig
{% block body %}
<h2>An error occured!</h2>
We are very sorry, but there was a serious error in the application!
{% endblock body %}
Filename: src/AppBundle/Controller/DefaultController.php
* @Route("/action/with/exception")
public function actionWithExceptionAction()
throw new \RuntimeException('Ups...');
###5.5. Behat - GREEN
Run Behat:
# Guest OS
$ php app/console cache:clear --env=prod
$ bin/behat
The project is GREEN.
###5.6. The commit - GREEN
Commit you changes with:
# Host OS
$ git add -A
$ git commit -m "[GREEN] Error pages: code"
###6. Login/logout
###6.1. The feature file
Filename: features/login.feature
Feature: I would like to log in to the system
Scenario: Log in as admin
Given I am on homepage
Then I should not see "Logged in as admin"
When I follow "Login"
And I fill in "username" with "admin"
And I fill in "password" with "loremipsum"
And I press "Login"
Then I should see "Logged in as admin"
Then I should not see "Login"
When I follow "Logout"
Then I should not see "Logged in as admin"
Then I should see "Login"
Scenario: Unsuccessful login
Given I am on homepage
When I follow "Login"
When I fill in "username" with "wrong username"
And I fill in "password" with "wrong password"
And I press "Login"
Then I should see "Bad credentials"
Scenario: Profile unavailable
Given I go to "/profile"
Then the response status code should be 404
Scenario: Resetting unavailable
Given I go to "/resetting"
Then the response status code should be 404
###6.2. Behat - RED
Run Behat:
# Guest OS
$ php app/console cache:clear --env=prod
$ bin/behat
The project is RED.
###6.3. The commit - RED
Commit you changes with:
# Host OS
$ git add -A
$ git commit -m "[RED] Login/logout: test"
###6.4. The code
Create the database and admin’s account:
# Guest OS
$ php app/console doctrine:schema:update --force
$ php app/console fos:user:create admin admin@example.net loremipsum --super-admin
Filename: app/Resources/views/base.html.twig
<h1>The Longest Rivers in the World!</h1>
{% block login_logout_panel %}
<a href="{{ path('homepage') }}">
{% if is_granted('ROLE_USER') %}
<li>Logged in as {{ app.user.username }}</li>
<a href="{{ path('fos_user_security_logout') }}">
{{ 'layout.logout'|trans({}, 'FOSUserBundle') }}
{% else %}
<a href="{{ path('fos_user_security_login') }}">
{{ 'layout.login'|trans({}, 'FOSUserBundle') }}
{% endif %}
{% endblock login_logout_panel %}
{% block body %}{% endblock %}
Filename: app/Resources/TwigBundle/views/Exception/error404.html.twig
{% endblock title %}
{% block login_logout_panel %}
{% endblock login_logout_panel %}
{% block body %}
Filename: app/Resources/TwigBundle/views/Exception/error500.html.twig
{% endblock title %}
{% block login_logout_panel %}
{% endblock login_logout_panel %}
{% block body %}
###6.5. Behat - GREEN
Run Behat:
# Guest OS
$ php app/console cache:clear --env=prod
$ bin/behat
The project is GREEN.
###6.6. The commit - GREEN
Commit you changes with:
# Host OS
$ git add -A
$ git commit -m "[GREEN] Login/logout: code"
###7. CRUD
###7.1. The feature file
Filename: features/crud.feature
Feature: I would like to edit rivers
Scenario Outline: Insert records
Given I am on homepage
And I follow "Login"
And I fill in "Username" with "admin"
And I fill in "Password" with "loremipsum"
And I press "Login"
And I go to "/admin/river/"
Then I should not see "<river>"
And I follow "Create a new entry"
Then I should see "River creation"
When I fill in "Name" with "<river>"
And I fill in "Length" with "<length>"
And I press "Create"
Then I should see "<river>"
And I should see "<length>"
| river | length |
| ABC RIV | 7182 |
| Vistula RIV | 1234 |
| The Thames RIV | 555 |
Scenario Outline: Edit records
Given I am on homepage
And I follow "Login"
And I fill in "Username" with "admin"
And I fill in "Password" with "loremipsum"
And I press "Login"
And I go to "/admin/river/"
Then I should not see "<new-river>"
When I follow "<old-river>"
Then I should see "<old-river>"
When I follow "Edit"
And I fill in "Name" with "<new-river>"
And I fill in "Length" with "<new-length>"
And I press "Update"
And I follow "Back to the list"
Then I should see "<new-river>"
And I should see "<new-length>"
And I should not see "<old-river>"
| old-river | new-river | new-length |
| Vistula RIV | VI-stula RIV | 9876 |
| ABC RIV | The NEW RIV | 3333 |
Scenario Outline: Delete records
Given I am on homepage
And I follow "Login"
And I fill in "Username" with "admin"
And I fill in "Password" with "loremipsum"
And I press "Login"
And I go to "/admin/river/"
Then I should see "<river>"
When I follow "<river>"
Then I should see "<river>"
When I press "Delete"
Then I should not see "<river>"
| river |
| VI-stula RIV |
| The NEW RIV |
| The Thames RIV |
###7.2. Behat - RED
Run Behat:
# Guest OS
$ php app/console cache:clear --env=prod
$ bin/behat
The project is RED.
###7.3. The commit - RED
Commit you changes with:
# Host OS
$ git add -A
$ git commit -m "[RED] River CRUD: test"
###7.4. The code
####7.4.1. Generate River entity
Run the command:
$ php app/console doctrine:generate:entity
The entity’s name is:
Leave default settings for format: annotation
and add two columns:
name - string 255
length - integer
When you are finished press enter (as many times as necessary).
####7.4.2. Commit
Commit your changes with:
# Host OS
$ git add -A
$ git commit -m "[RED] Create River entity"
##7.4.3. The Database
Update the database:
# Guest OS
$ php app/console doctrine:schema:update --force
##7.4.4. CRUD
Generate CRUD:
# Guest OS
$ php app/console doctrine:generate:crud
You will be asked a number of questions. The three of them are crucial for us:
- Entity name:
- With write actions:
- Routes prefix:
####7.4.5. Commit
Commit your changes with:
# Host OS
$ git add -A
$ git commit -m "[RED] Default CRUD for River entity"
####7.4.6. Customize the list of records
Filename: src/AppBundle/Resources/views/River/index.html.twig
{% for entity in entities %}
<td>{{ loop.index }}.</td>
<a href="{{ path('admin_river_show', { 'id': entity.id }) }}">
{{ entity.name }}
<td>{{ entity.length }}</td>
###7.5. Behat - GREEN
Run Behat:
# Guest OS
$ php app/console cache:clear --env=prod
$ bin/behat
The project is GREEN.
###7.6. The commit - GREEN
Commit you changes with:
# Host OS
$ git add -A
$ git commit -m "[GREEN] River CRUD: customized view for index action"
###8. Fixtures
###8.1. The feature file
Filename: features/fixtures.feature
Feature: We want one page with all the rivers loaded from YML file
Scenario: List mountains
Given I am on homepage
Then I should see "The Nile"
And I should see "1234"
Then I should see "The Thames"
And I should see "9876"
Then I should see "Mississipi"
And I should see "3434"
Scenario: I want to check the number of records
When I am on homepage
Then I should see 3 "table tbody tr" elements
###8.2. Behat - RED
Run Behat:
# Guest OS
$ php app/console cache:clear --env=prod
$ bin/behat
The project is RED.
###8.3. The commit - RED
Commit you changes with:
# Host OS
$ git add -A
$ git commit -m "[RED] Fixtures: test"
###8.4. The code
###8.4.1. YML file
Filename: data/rivers.yml
- { name: "The Nile", length: 1234 }
- { name: "The Thames", length: 9876 }
- { name: "Mississipi", length: 3434 }
###8.4.2. The code to load fixtures
Filename: src/AppBundle/DataFixtures/ORM/LoadRivers.php
namespace AppBundle\DataFixtures\ORM;
use Doctrine\Common\DataFixtures\FixtureInterface;
use Doctrine\Common\Persistence\ObjectManager;
use Symfony\Component\Yaml\Yaml;
use AppBundle\Entity\River;
class LoadRivers implements FixtureInterface
* {@inheritDoc}
public function load(ObjectManager $manager)
$filename = __DIR__ . '/../../../../data/rivers.yml';
$yml = Yaml::parse(file_get_contents($filename));
foreach ($yml as $item) {
$river = new River();
###8.4.3. Load the fixtures into the database
Run the command:
# Guest OS
$ php app/console doctrine:fixture -n
###8.4.4. Commit
Commit you changes with:
# Host OS
$ git add -A
$ git commit -m "[RED] Fixtures: YML file and LoadRivers class"
###8.4.5. Create the homepage
Filename: src/AppBundle/Controller/DefaultController.php
* @Route("/", name="homepage")
public function indexAction()
$em = $this->getDoctrine()->getManager();
$entities = $em->getRepository('AppBundle:River')->findAll();
return $this->render(
'entities' => $entities,
Filename: app/Resources/views/default/index.html.twig
{% extends '::base.html.twig' %}
{% block body %}
{% for entity in entities %}
<td>{{ loop.index }}</td>
<td>{{ entity.name }}</td>
<td>{{ entity.length }}</td>
{% endfor %}
{% endblock %}
###8.5. Behat - GREEN
Run Behat:
# Guest OS
$ php app/console cache:clear --env=prod
$ php app/console cache:warmup --env=prod
$ mysql -u root < 00-extra/db/create-empty-database.sql
$ php app/console doctrine:schema:update --force
$ php app/console doctrine:fixtures:load -n
$ php app/console fos:user:create admin admin@example.net loremipsum --super-admin
$ bin/behat
The project is GREEN.
###8.6. The commit - GREEN
Commit you changes with:
# Host OS
$ git add -A
$ git commit -m "[GREEN] Fixtures: action/view for homepage"
##9. Final tweaks
##9.1. Link to admin panel
Filename: app/Resources/views/base.html.twig
{% if is_granted('ROLE_USER') %}
<li>Logged in as {{ app.user.username }}</li>
<a href="{{ path('admin_river') }}">
##9.2. Script to reload database
Filename: reload.bash
mysql -u root < 00-extra/db/create-empty-database.sql
php app/console doctrine:schema:update --force
php app/console doctrine:fixtures:load -n
php app/console fos:user:create admin admin@example.net loremipsum --super-admin
###9.3. The commit
Commit you changes with:
# Host OS
$ git add -A
$ git commit -m "[GREEN] Tweaks: menu option and reload.bash"
###9.4. Run the tests
# Guest OS
$ ./reload.bash
$ bin/behat --format progress
You may run the tests arbitrary number of times:
$ bin/behat --format progress
$ bin/behat --format progress
$ bin/behat --format progress
##10. Visit app with your browser
Run web browser and visit:
##11. Remove unnecessary commits
Remove unnecessary commits from your repository:
# Host OS
$ git remote rm origin
$ git branch -D 2.7
$ git tag | xargs git tag -d
$ git reflog expire --all --expire=now
$ git prune
$ git gc
Now your repository contains only the commits that you have authored working on this example.
##12. Travis
Thanks to .travis.yml
and reload.bash
the example should run
on Travis out of the box.
All you have to do is to:
- push the example to your GitHub repo
- configure Travis for this repo
Here is the link to Travis output for the original example.
##13. The Example
You will find the source code of the example on GitHub.
For the instruction how to run the example refer to README.md