Puppet module filefetcher

6 January 2015

The module I want to present facilitates installation of various one-file-applications, like composer, phpunit, symfony installer, box, php-cs-fixer, and many others.

Binary version of filefetcher module is available on Puppet Forge.

##1. Introduction

During last year or two the php world has changed. More and more applications are distributed as phar archives. The most frequently used are

  • composer
  • phpunit
  • php-cs-fixer
  • box

but there are others to follow

  • symfony installer

The installation of such an application consists of:

  • wget | curl
  • mv
  • chown

Well. And that’s exactly what filefetcher module helps to do. The module defines filefetcher::fetch resource which:

  • downloads a file using URL parameter (e.g. https://getcomposer.org/composer.phar)
  • saves it under a given name (e.g. composer) in an arbitrary directory (e.g. /usr/local/bin)
  • sets the owner (e.g. root)
  • sets the rights (e.g. a+x)

##2. How to use filefetcher puppet module?

###2.1. System wide install with Puppet

To install the module in your system run:

sudo puppet module install gajdaw-filefetcher

You may lock the version to avoid using the latest version:

sudo puppet module install gajdaw-filefetcher --version 0.1.0

###2.2. System wide install with Git

You may also use git to install the module:

mkdir -p /etc/puppet/modules/box
cd /etc/puppet/modules/box
git clone --depth 1 https://github.com/pro-vagrant/puppet-filefetcher.git .

To lock the version, use:

git clone --depth 1 --branch v0.1.0 https://github.com/pro-vagrant/puppet-filefetcher.git .

##3. Usage examples

The examples are stored under examples/ directory.

###3.1. Composer

Here is composer.pp example:

# Filename: examples/composer.pp
filefetcher::fetch { 'composer':
    source => 'https://getcomposer.org/composer.phar',

To run it use the following command:

sudo puppet apply examples/composer.pp

Try to run the above command a number of times:

sudo puppet apply examples/composer.pp
sudo puppet apply examples/composer.pp
sudo puppet apply examples/composer.pp

As you can see the file is not downloaded if it already exists. You can change this behaviour with redownload parameter, as described in phpunit example.

###3.2. Phpunit

Here is phpunit.pp example:

# Filename: examples/phpunit.pp
filefetcher::fetch { 'phpunit':
    source     => 'https://phar.phpunit.de/phpunit.phar',
    redownload => true,

Thanks to redownload => true the file phpunit will be redownloaded even if it exists.

To run it use the following command:

sudo puppet apply examples/phpunit.pp

Now the file is downloaded every time you run the command:

sudo puppet apply examples/phpunit.pp
sudo puppet apply examples/phpunit.pp
sudo puppet apply examples/phpunit.pp

###3.3. Php-cs-fixer

Here is php-cs-fixer.pp example:

# Filename: examples/php-cs-fixer.pp
filefetcher::fetch { 'php-cs-fixer':
    source => 'http://cs.sensiolabs.org/get/php-cs-fixer.phar',

To run it use the following command:

sudo puppet apply examples/php-cs-fixer.pp

###3.4. Box

Here is box.pp example:

# Filename: examples/box.pp
filefetcher::fetch { 'box':
    source => 'https://github.com/box-project/box2/releases/download/2.5.0/box-2.5.0.phar',

To run it use the following command:

sudo puppet apply examples/box.pp

###3.5. Symfony Installer

And symfony-installer.pp example:

# Filename: examples/symfony-installer.pp
filefetcher::fetch { 'symfony':
    url => 'http://symfony.com/installer',

To run it use the following command:

sudo puppet apply examples/symfony-installer.pp

###3.6. Symfony Standard - composer.json file

You can use filefetcher::fetch to download arbitrary file, for example composer.json in Symfony Standard distribution:

# Filename: examples/symfony-standard-composer-json.pp
filefetcher::fetch { 'Symfony Standard composer.json file':
    filename   => 'composer.json',
    target_dir => '/tmp',
    user       => 'vagrant',
    rights     => '755',
    url        => 'https://raw.githubusercontent.com/symfony/symfony-standard/2.7/composer.json',

To run it use the following command:

sudo puppet apply examples/symfony-standard-composer-json.pp

###3.7. Running phar binaries (phpunit, composer, etc.)

If php is missing, install it with:

sudo apt-get install php5 -y

Now, you can use the binaries:

phpunit --version
composer --version
php-cs-fixer --version
box --version

##6. Reading list


The inspiration came from willdurrand-composer authored by William Durand.

2014 gajdaw

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